Survival Guide Gift Box Bottle Crack • Kaitlyn Stone

Wear that quiet confidence you look so good in
the one that tugs at the corners of your mild mouth
crinkles shallow crevices besides your eyes
and really knows how to fill
out a pair of pants.

Remember to shatter the supple neck of the bottle
without cutting your hands (scars are only sexy
when there's a great story behind them)
and decipher best you can:

Take down this poem and take it with you
feel it pulse in your pocket like arousal
like a bass beat, like my heart
300 miles from home.


Kate Stone is a University of Rhode Island alum with a BA in Writing & Rhetoric and English Language & Literature. During her undergraduate studies, she worked as Editor-in-Chief of the University’s literary publication, as a peer writing tutor in the Academic Enhancement Center, and was awarded the Gertrude Stein Award for excellence in writing English, and the University Award from the Rhetoric department. Her poetry and essays have been featured in Chronogram, Dr. Hurley's Snake-Oil Cure and The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers.