Powder Puff • Stephen Kopel

Jayne Mansfield
hoped the world
would find her desirable,
only Mickey did .. and,
his muscles were enough

Her cinematic diversions
publicized as "Fun Family Fare",
Edward R. Murrow pursued her
as did paparazzi hoards
who admired the parenthesis
of hips ..quoting her
hyperbolic quips

In private, she dove
into dictionaries,
breast-stroking through etymologies
buoyed by words' multiple meanings
whose phosphorescence shimmered
as she let herself sink into sleep

In private, imagined herself
a typical housewife,
a Mamie Eisenhower,
aproned, bending over a
sheetpan of gingerbread men
shaped to resemble
a doughy Mr. Universe -
the real one usually in their back
yard troweling Narcissus to bed

Fancied herself charitable,
Cadillac convertible ..
Mickey driving block after block
past winos, their saggy women,
fortunate they were able to catch
a glimpse of the actress,
demanding to be seen, admired
by losers, who, she never doubted,
would become drunk .. on her


Stephen Kopel is San Francisco's 'pedalling poet' with perfect abs who depends on the frequency of vibrations emanating from the attic of his head...whose work resides in academic journals like Red Cedar Review, Antigonish Review, Harpur Palate, Birmingham Poetry Review and others.