Joan Payne Kincaid • Lights in the Sky

You were sitting in the room
the night of a full moon again
looking thru the diningroom window
you could see it shine
where the jet flew over the house
you were glad to be down there
in a somewhat shabby place
but safe and as glad for the dark
as a rat
wanting to start over with our lives
leaving the email far away
clicking off and fading
when everything you know should be
where it was has now been moved
like a torn up shopping list
with its lost hope on page 2
crumpled as a life's numbered pages;
try to find a title and a page count of it
check the files and make the necessary
adjustments...the way he jumps aboard
anything to escape definition.

We want to create oligarchies in other
countries and across the street heated
swimming pools for the obsequious;
we will be a cybernetically enhanced species
shadow unfulfilled like walks in the night
you promised that were never taken.