A Big Wheel • Erren Geraud Kelly

mama cooked a duck so good
the meat fell off the bone
but it was small for a big family
daddy mixed whiskey with al green
granddaddy (my father's father)
dreamed of fishing as he sat in his chair
sis watched a cartoon
on the viewmaster projector
kevin fixed the chain on
his bicycle, and he was off
i looked at my present
and wondered could
things get any better than this...


Erren has published his work in Hiram Poetry Review, 
Mudfish, Poetry Magazine (online), Ceremony, 
Cactus Heart, Similar Peaks, Gloom Cupboard, Poetry Salzburg 
and other publications. He is also the author of the chapbook, " 
Disturbing The Peace," from Night Ballet Press. 
He received his B.A. from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.